Workshop on the topic of “The NRI Wives: Plight of Abandoned Brides in India”


April 30, 2022, Saturday. An online workshop on the topic “The NRI Wives: Plight of Abandoned Brides in India” was held by and the Streaming Law Magazine. The speakers were Ms. Rachna Gandhi, Advocate, Supreme Court, and Mr. Sandeep Jindal, Advocate-on-Record, Supreme Court of India. The program moderator was Nidhi Bindal, Advocate.

The Ministry of External Affairs informed Parliament that 4,698 complaints of Indian women being deserted by their NRI husbands were received and addressed between 2016 and 2019. Both of our speakers Ms. Rachna Gandhi and Mr. Sandeep Jindal threw light on various aspects of this topic. They explained legal procedures and difficulties as per their wide knowledge and practical experiences.

Though due to some unavoidable reason this session couldn’t be live on Facebook or YouTube, however, all participants appreciated this workshop and found it a successful and healthy discussion.

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